
I am a mathematician working in the area of discrete mathematics. I am currently an assistant professor at TU Delft, in the faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science. Previously I was a research fellow (DECRA) at The University of Western Australia in Perth (2019-2020) and a postdoc at FU Berlin in the combinatorics and graph theory group (2017-2019).

I obtained a PhD in mathematics from Ghent University, under the supervision of Prof. Bart De Bruyn.  For details about my work see my research page and PhD thesis.

I started this blog after completing a summer research internship at ISI Bangalore under Prof. Bhaskar Bagchi. It was a life changing experience as for the first time I was exposed to actual mathematical research, and it played a crucial role in my decision to pursue a career in mathematics. The topic of my summer project was “Finite geometries and distance regular graphs” and so I started with some posts on finite geometry, and later went on to do a PhD in that area. Now I mostly write about general math topics that I find interesting and my research work. I also treat this blog as my official website.

I also play guitar and I have a youtube channel with my wife, Aparajita: poppadoms.

1 Response to About

  1. Pingback: Sp(6, 2)’s Family, Plots, and Ramsey Numbers | Ratio Bound – A Combinatorics Blog

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